Rev. Robert W. Schaibley
Sermon Text: John 5:1-17
by Rev. Dr. Stephen J. Carter , Lloyd Strelow , Lowell F. Thomas , Rev. Dr. Gerhard Aho , Norbert H. Mueller , Luther and Arlene Strasen , Rev. Edwin H. Dubberke , David F. Seybold , Paul E. Cloeter , Rudolph A. Haak , Edmond E. Aho , Rev. Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr., and Rev. Klemet Preus
Rev. George Lange
Sermon Text: Luke 24:36-49
Rev. Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie
Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 15:35-49
Rev. Christopher Thoma
Sermon Text: John 20:19-31
Rev. Dr. Timothy C. J. Quill
Sermon Text: Mark 16:9-20
by Paul F. Koehneke , Rev. Hans Manthey Zorn , Rev. Martin Samuel Sommer , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Herman William Bartels , Rev. Paul G. Birkmann , August Ferdinand Bernthal , and Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch
by August Ferdinand Bernthal , Rev. John William Behnken , Dr. Theodore Hoyer , Gotthold Herman Friedrich Smukal , Dr. Emanuel August Mayer , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , C. A. Gieseler , and Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz
Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer
Sermon Text: Luke 24:15-35
Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer
Sermon Text: Hebrews 2:14-15
Rev. Dr. Robert D. Preus
Sermon Text: John 16:22
Rev. Paul Hopkins
Sermon Text: John 21:1-14
Rev. John Dreyer
Sermon Text: Exodus 14:10-15:1