Full Text for CTM Book Review 4-8 (Text)
uus, S3uT. 18, 9-14." (6.73.) ,,:tiie i\'ragc,
loorum bie Dffenuorung biefem ~ettus gegelien iit, bleiM ebeniu unlieunttoortbar
IDie bie i\'tagl', \O(Wllll ~~fns Diefc ~iingcr unD nie!)! ((nDc.c llemfen ljat. SJCidjt
aUf bcm 'fiotul11 uno 'fiiefo, fonbern aUf ber 'ratiiid)1icljreit bes gottHd)en 'fiillens,
rodd)er jiell fdol! llcitimmt, unb ben ~teigniffen, ill benm et sum SJJcCllfd)en £ommt,
ruljt bet Q.llid bes ~bun\Je{hmt!l. 9Jlun mug es j'eille ®ren3c nCltllen, ulier es ift
auel) ieinc offeufd)f)cit unb ieine ®rolle. ~n bet ,ldeilSI]cicl)id)te tU111mt toie in ber
6d)o\lfung aUes baruuf au, bie 'fiette ®ottes au icf)elt, unitatt fid) in bas 'fiuntm
JU berHeren." (6. 168.)
'fiir fonnCll jebod) nid)t fagen, ball Die Q.leiDcisfiil)ntng DCS ~utot!l filt bie
@Sfeid)ung "lReid) ®oites = S';lerticljoft @DtteY' uns ilber3eugt ~iitte. ®etoi[3 Hillt
iie iiel) an DieTen 6teUen, i1JO ber ~uilbrucf boti0111mt, tteffUd) anbrlngen; bod)
gibt es aud) ~usf\lriicl)e, iDO fie nid)t llefricbigt, D. ~.:matt~. 25, 34 unb Xlu!.
16, 16. :tiie rettere 6teUe \1Jibcrivricl)t uud), ber ~niid)t, ba[3 bas lReid) ®ottes
ljau\ltfiiel)fiel) afS etmas Bufiinftiges angef\ltocljen merben 111U[3. :man benfe eben'
faUs an :;So~. 3, 5. :tiod) fonnm toir bie ljier in ~etrad)t fommenben mid)tigen
e~egetifd)en i\'ragen nid)t eriirtern, 'fib: teHen Die ftberfd)riftcn ber bier ~a\liteI mit,
um in ettoas bie i\'ilUe bet ljiet oeljctllbdtcn @ebanfen an3ubeuten: 1. ®ottesgebanfe
unb ®ottesljert:fd)aft. 2. :Die lI~tljifll Des ffieid)es @ottes. 3. :tias lReid) ®ottes
ols ®emeinfelJaf± (;;'S(I;fus unll bie ~itclje). 4. ':£:er 9Jeefjia.s bes Dleid)es ®ottes.
Bum 6d)lufl: \Das Q.lud) atmet burd)toeg \lofitibes ~f)riftentum, )vcun es aud) bem
Unglau[len nie!)! mit bem ernften, gemartigen II@S flel)! geid)rieoen!" fonbern mit
toiff enfd)oftlid)etl :Jtiicffidj!en entgegentritt unb bie m n bC\'Hen ~l)tifhtsfeinbe aUou,
\lfim\lflid) bel)anbelt. 'fi. ~ r n b t.
Christian Unity in Practise and Prophecy. By Ohades S. Maofarland.
The Macmillan Company, New York. 1933, 396 pages. Price, $2.75.
Thc author of this book is the General Secrctal'Y Emeritus of the
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.. For twenty-five
yeaTs he has been constructively active in bringing a,bout a closer union
Book Review. - i.Jiteratut. 635
between the different. denominat.ions of America. During this time he has
studied the problem of church union from every angle with great. diligence.
Some years ago h" pl~blished The Prog'l"ess of OhU1'Ch Federation. He has
moreover collaboratell with others in the writing of t.he following books:
Ohristian Oooperation nnd TFo1"ld Redemption, The Ohuroh of Olwist in
Oouncil, and OMistinn Unity nt Work. Two of his books have been trans-
lated into French a.nd one into German_ He is also one of the editors
of the 001'P1),8 Oonfessionll1n, an encyclopedia of the creed.s of the churehes_
Few men could speak upon union, cooperat.ion, and federat.ion of churches
with better understanding of actual condit.ions t.han Dr. :Macfarland. Nor
will you be disappointed when you read his chapters. WneneVel- he speaks
of act.ual conditions, he is fair, t.ruthful, and illuminating_ There are
twelve chapters, eight appendices, a bibliography, and a, very complete 3.Jld
exact. index. The heading of the chapters will give our reader a fair
opinion of the contents of this volume. Following his foreword, t.he first
chapter is devoted to t.he statement of the problem, i_ e., a discussion of
thc present situat.ion and the purpose, of his study in this field_ The
second chapter is a, historical review of t.his movement. from the time of
Jesus to the post.-Reformat.ion period. In t.he third he discusses the in-
fluences for and against unity and its genesis in the United States. He
gives considerable spa.ce in t.his chapter t.o the Evangelical Alliance_
He then de es two chapters to the progTess of unit.y in the Unit.3d
States. Fee: ,1 unity is stressed in t.hese cha,pters. Then there are three
chapters on world unity in Foreign Missions, Home :\IIissions, and a dis-
cussion of what is called eomity. The eight.h chapter is devoted to a dis-
cussion of the "iVorltl Conference on Faith and Order. Then the author
found it necessary to turn to the discussion of some present practical
problems 'and difficult.ies, which he does in t.he ninth chapter. The; tenth
chapter is devoted to the differont, large, bodies of Christendom and their
att.itude towards union and unity. In this chapter he also discusses the
attitude of the Lut.herans, inclusive of that. of the Missouri Synod (p. 190).
His statement.s there are fair and truthful. He speaks without. acrimony
or prejudice_ In discussing the Roman Catholic Church and t.he PO'pe's
attit.ude, he gives utterance to his hopelessness in effecting any union
with the Pope or his adherent.s_ The last. two chapters are devoted to the
future of unity and the expectations that we may entertain. The appen-
dices consist. of document.s, such as The Message of t.;he Internat.ional
:Missionary Council, Jerusalem, 1928; 'I.'h6 }iessage of t.he Universal Chris-
tian Conference on Life and Work, Stockholm, 1925; The Message of the
World Conference on Faith and Order, Lausanne, 1927; Statement of the
United Lutheran Church in America, 1920; Report. of the Lambeth Con-
ference, 1930; Statement. of t.he Eastern Orthodox Delegates at Lausanne,
1927_ The bibliog:mpl1y mentions thirt.y-one publications. The author is
hopefuL HeJ writes: "The world is drawing together politically and
socially wit.h a deepening" realizat.ion of a common destiny and consequent
interdependence. Coincident. with this there, should be a gTowing sense
of the need of common spiritual forces_ A new social order is seeking
and gradually finding' its world-wide way. The need of a, new Christian
order of commensurate dimensions to bring spiritual forces to bear upon
this new social order is apparent. to every thinking man and woman.
636 Book Review. - Xlitetatut.
As has been said of Foreign Missions in connection with tJle Laymen's
Inqniry, ilie future of the Christian Church itself depends in ilie largest
measure upon the fulfilment of its manifest mission in union." There is
no doubt iliat he feels kindly toward ilie Lutheran Church; but, a,fter
all, he is a ilioroughgoing unionist. He likes the indefinite expression,
he favors the emasculated, hazy interwea,ving of Scriptural phrase with
philosophical vocabulary, so arranged that a dozen or more persons of
divergent views may claim them as expressions of their own convictions.
He rejoices iliat we may all join ill singing "Lead, Kindly Light" and
John Greenleaf Whittier's "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, Forgive
Our Feverish Ways." We do not expect Dr. Macfarland and men of his
trend of mind to be our guides in the matter of church union amI unity;
but if we wish to have exact information concerning the past and current
movements towards greater church union and church federation, his book
will supply what we want. M. SOMMER.
Martin Luther: The Formative Years. Being the Story of the First
Thirty-Four Years of His Life. By Barend Klaas Kuipm-. Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1933. 298 pages,
5% X 8. Price, $2.00.
It was a distinct pleasure to read this new biography of Luther, and
both ilie author and the publishers are to be congratulated on ha.ving had
ilie courage to place the book on the ma.rket a.t this time. It is true iliat
we have many biographies of Luther, quite a few of which are exhaustive
in their treatment. It is also true tha,t. the formative' years of Luther's
life have been treated only in recent, yea,rs by Boehmer in German and by
Fife in English. But for all that, this book is a distinct contribution to
ilie literature on Luilier. It is clearly based on very exhaustive studies,
although the author does not exhibit his scientific apparatus in either
footnotes or an appended bibliogra,phy, referring only to Boehmer, Fife,
Kuyper, and Smith as offering source material. The entire presentation
is in a most interesting, sprightly style., with so many apt illustrations
from the writings of Luthe.r, especially from his letters, that the reader is
carried along with the narrative and feels a, reluctance to lay aside the
book before he has finished the last chapter. The occasional emoursU8 into
contemporaneous history greatly facilitate the understanding of the whole
period in which Luther lived. - We noted only a few small naevi. Hans
Luther, former president of the German Reichsbank, is not a direct descen-
dant of Luther, as stated on page 33, for the descendants of Luther, in the
male line, ha;ve been extinct since 1759. On page 36 the author seems to
speak of a restoration of all things, both of those which are in heaven and
of those which are on earth. On page 120 the autJlOr denies iliat the Bible
was a forbidden book. It. cert.ainly was, at least to the laity, ever since the
edict of Charles IV in 1369. On page 19'4 the statement is made that
Luther was inaugurated as professor three weeks after his promotion to
the doctorate. It should be three days, since his promotion to the doctorate
took place on October 19, 1512, and his recept.ion into the senate on
October 22. But these small faults do not cover more than eight lines in
the entire book and certainly do not interfere' with its excellence. We
recommend the monograph to all our readers. P. E. KRETZMANN.
Book Review. - l3itcratur. 637
Gospel Dawn in Africa. A Brief History of Protestant Missions in
Africa. Illustrated. By H. Bciderbcciv(', forn",r1y missiOlmry to the
Hel'ero, Southwest, Africa. Retold in English by ]j}. F. Baohmam,n,
pastor of the, Ma.ry J. Drexel Home and Motherhouse of Dea.conesses,
Philadelphia, Pa., and J. F. B01'nhold, pastor of St. Luke's Evangel-
ical Lutheran Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. The Lutheran Book
Concern, Columbus, O. 194 pages, 5% X 7%. Price, $1.25. Order
from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.
For everybody who wishes to inform himself quickly on the mission-
work t11e Christ.ian Church has done an.d is doin.g in Africa, tilis book
constitutes an cxcellcnt guide. At no point is the presentation exhaut3tive.
It is merely a sketch that is here offered to us, hut one that is compre-
hensive. Since the author himself served as missionary in the Dark
Continent, his statements possess the authority which is lacking when books
on missions are written which rest entirely on the descriptions and nar-
ratives of others. Owing t.o the> fact that a sketch is pre~ented and not
a det.ailed treatise, the reader will here not find, for instance, a chapte'r
in which the whole story of the work of Livingstone in Africa is told.
Bnt the chief data pprtaining to th" endeavors of this remarkable man
in AL:_J ar_ : .. cludv":'. LKv~" incidents whICh help w give color to the
narrative are not la.cking. The auth.or h;t~ been c:",,~ful to submit. statistics
(]on the v.-ork done in the various countries of Africa, a feature for which
the busy pastor, when he is looking for material for mission lectures,
will be gra.teful. W. ARNDT.
Wie .prebigen wit ffied-,tfertigung, fBerfiiijuung, ~emgung? mon l3anbes>
bifcljof D. ~ ~ mel s. 6tubien bet £ut~er>~nabemie. miertell ~eft. S)rud
unb metIag bon ~. illertegmann in ®ilter~ro~. !flreiil: 90 !flf., fattoniert.
s)ie[ c £c~rftilcfe luerbcn in il)ter miict:)tigfett unb in i~tcm mer~ii1tniS 3U~
einanber in feintt Weife batQelegt, inbem babei ge3eigt luitb, luie bet !flreDiger
in feiner stlarfegung ®efe~ unb ~bangelium au 9anb~aben fjat. IIlJRan miicljte
ia betmuicu, bafl bail miott bon liet ffiecljtfettigung liberaU im lJRittel\lunft bet
Iut~etifcljcn !fltebigt ftc~en h)crhe. \)]lan luitb bas abet fd)lucdiclj lie~au\lten
fonnen. miclmcf)t ift gctabe l)cutc hie ®efa~t na, ba~ Dieie ,2cnttalfragc unter
ben fcljeinliar btennenben 5tagesftagm 3Utiidgebtangt luitb. ~n Wirflicljfeit Illirh
aber lutfjctifclj.e !flrebigt baran erfannt luetbcu mliffcu, ban bas miot± bon bet
\Recljtfcrtigung tatfiid)1icf) i~tcn 9JHttef\lunft bUllct." (16. 5.) ",®ott war in
~~tifto unb berfjj~nete bie Welt mit fie!) felber.' . .. ~un fann eil nut batauf
antommen, niefe ®eteclj-tigfeit im ®lauben 5U ergrcifen, ba~ fie meine ®etedWg~
felt lui!b." (16.7.) "WHt ffiedjt {Jat man erinne!t [bei ber £c~te bon bet ~ei~
agung], bafl giet bet ®tunbuntetfel)ieb tiimife!)et unb cl1angelifcljet l6ittlidjfeit
3utage tretc. stlntt gefcljc~e ber !!Bille ®ottes um stlanf uub £ofjn, nadj ebal1~
geHfcljer ~uffailultg aus ::Danfbatfeit." (16.21.) (,\;5 luetben auel) bie Iidannten
lJajtoralcu ~ntuei[ungcu, a. ill. bettcffs bet ~ausbefudje, bet red)ten illmutuug
bet !fltibatbeicljte ufw., ctnjtlid) eingeicf)iirft. lJRand)cu Uticifcu in Dicfer 6d)rift
fiinnen mit nid)t beiftimmcu, 3. 'B. bail cin Wl.enfd) bot fcinct 'Bcfe~tung, aUf
®tunb bet ®ejetes\lrcbigt, lImit jcinenl gan3en .\leben ou bem erleliten ?l.Bilfen
®ottes ia fagen mii.cljte", ball "bie !fltebigt bes (,\;bangeliums 3ugleiclj !flrebigt bes
@cfe~es fein ntUB, um (lIS !fltebigt bes crbangeliums gan3 betjtanben au toerbcu".
(6.11.) mOt aUem fiiUt bie bcftiinbig luicbedel)tenbc illetonunng bcs ,,@t1cbens"
638 BQQk Review. - \3itetatur.
aUf. ?lienn oer Eiat ,,:.Dann freilid) Itliril Dieie 1J"ro~botfd)aft bon bel: metfD~nUn\l
liU einet s.uuffotberun~, (,Ijottes ffiecl"tfertigun~ au ctfeben" (Ei.7) mit bem Eiat
erWin luirb: "menn oann bet 9Jlenfd) fragt, iDas er tun tonne, oaB bie\e @e,
red)tigfcit auc~ fetne (,Ijcted)tigfelt tnetbe, ba batf unD foU aUe mediinbigung i~m
fagen: (,Ijerabe bit ge~ott oiefc (,IjereC£)tigfeit, geraDe bit - glaube nux" (Ei.14 f.),
\0 tnito oa~ ,,~tIeben" in bem Eitnne bon tatfiid)Hd)er ~rgteifung be~ ~em burd)
ben (,Ijfauben genommen. :.Da~ beftiinbige :.Dtingen aUf ,,~r1elmg bet metfii~nung
unb ffied)tfettigung", "um bie s.ubfofution io 3U etleben" uftn., legt aber ben (,Ije,
banten na~e, baB bem ,,~t!ebni~1I biefefoe iBebeutung beigefegt iDith, bie es fonlt
in bet :tDcofogie :;S~me1S' ~n+ 1:~. ~ n \l e { b e r.
The GQlden Ladder. By AleiD J. D. Haupt. The Lutheran Literary Board,
Burlington, Iowa" 157 pages, 5%X3. Price, $1.35.
It is refreshing and encQuraging to nQte the increased interest in
Luther's Small Oatechism evidenced by the numerGUS books published by
the variQus Lutheran publishing hQuses. Oertainly Dr. Luther's Oatechism
deserves devGted and careful study to this day. MethQds Qf teaching the
Catechism may change frQm time to time, and there' may be SGme imprQve-
ment in the methQds Qf teaching Catechism Qver thQse recommended by the
older c~techi.sts. Yet m. . e never b the place Gf the doctrinal
cQntent Gf Luther's precious little bOGk. lYe fear that the >cut-hOI Qf
The {fo/,(f,(m" Ladder has placed methQd abQve doctrinal exactness. .Much
Gf the material which he Qffers is un-Lutheran and anti-Lutheran, and
sQmetimes his diagrams a.re quite fanciful. I refer, B. g., to the di8.0OTam
illustrating the five eternities by five cireles, the Guter circle designating
Time, the next Space, the third SGmething, the fourth Life, and the CBnrer
Mind. Outside Qf the circle is the wQrd "God," cQnnected by three lines
to "SQmething," "Life," and "Mind." This surely creates the impressiGn
as though time and space existed ete.mally outside of GQd, while neither
time nGr space are eternal, bQth being cTeat,iQns Qf GQd. - FrGm the
AarQnio blessing the authGr endeavQrs to prove the t.rinit.y Gf God by
distinguishing between the wQrd "face" as used Num. 6,25 a.nd "coun-
tenance," v.26. The face Qf the Father is Jesus Christ. But "the face
Gf a man is nGt his CQuntenance. A persQn's cQuntenance is the outward
expressiQn Qf the innermost feeling Gf the SQul. It is shQwn upGn and
thrQugh the face, but it is not the face. . .. In this sense the Holy GhQst,
the OomfQrter, is the countenance Gf God." The fact Qf the matter is
that Moses used fol' both expressiQns the Qne word panim. - The author
hQlds tha.t Sunday is the divinely appointed hQly-day of the New Testament
and asserts tha.t Rom. 14,5.6; GaL 4, 10. 11; Ool. 2, Hi do nGt prGve the
cGntrary. We were shQcked to read on page 35: "Nevertheless, althGugh
He was indeed able to save His bQdy from suffering and death, He did nQt,
but· freely gave His human nature-His body-as the sacrificial Lamb
on the altar Qf the crQSS to make a.tQnement fQr all thGse who would
willingly confess their sins and seek salvation." This, after having as-
sured us: "In His divine persQn and nature He was indeed the grea.t
High Priest, and in His human na.ture He was the Lamb, the preciGuB
Paschal Lamb, withGut. SPQt and blemish, to' take away the sin Qf tile
WQrld." On page 92 we read that the high priest in t.he Old Testament
was washed "ith. water and that his right eRr. his rig'ht thumb. lind his
Book Review. - 2iteratur. 639
r ight great. toe were sprinkled with the blopd of the ram of t.he consecra,
t ion. "All this was t.ypical of the consecrat.ion of Jesus as our great.
High Priest. It was for this washing that He went to John in the Jordan,
H is ear, His thtunb, and H is toe were sprinkled with the blood of the
L amb of God as H e offered Himself upon the cross as the ram of our
consecration to take away the sin of the world." For these and similar
misstatements we cannot recommend this book to be used as a text-book
in any Lutheran school. TH. LAETSCH.
~nelte ~tllft fur jeilen ~Ilg. mon D. iill i 1 f). ~ a i v 1 c. 0:tftet leanb. merlag
bon JDBrffling & irtante, ~eifl3ig . 1933. 423 Seiten 5X7%, in 2einroanD
mit JDedel< unb ffitidentitel gevunben. llltcis : M. 4.80.
D. W . .l3aivle ift bet langj1il)tige ffiebafteut ber lI~rrgemeinen 0:bangefifdj<
:\Jutfyetifef)en Stitdjenaeitungll, Die in jebet Illummet an ber Spite eine 6djtift.
bettaef)tung vtingt. JDiefe 6djtiftvetrad;tungen roetben audj bon benen, bie aUf
einem anbem fitd;lid;en 6tanbpunft a15 bie IIStircf)enaeitungll ftel)en, gem gelefen
unb gefJoten mit au bem leeften, roas in biefem lelatt etfd;eint. 6cf)on bot mel)r
als 3Wall3ig :SafJten l)at bet ©etausgever bes lelattes cine Sammiung biefer
6d;tiftvettacf)tungen in leucf)form fJetausgegeven untet bem ~itel l10:bangeHum
fUr iebcn ~agll , unb bas leud; l)at eine gute ~ufnal)me gefunben, namentHcf)
untet gebilbeten @;fJtiften . ~us bem .l3efetfreife bes leucf)es wutbe bet iillunfd)
immet Iauter unb btingenbet,es mBcf)te aus ben in ben lellten 3wan3ig viS fUnf.
unb3wan3ig :Saf)ten etfcf)ienenen leettacf)tungen wiebet ein leucf) 3ufammengefteUt
roetben, unb fo ift bas borliegenbe Wed .entftanben. Wit l)aven bie meiften Mefer
leettacf)tungen gelefen, aIS fie in ber IStitcf)en3eitung" erfd;ienen, unb fonnen iagen,
bau fie fcf)one, tiefe ®ebanfen entfJalten, unb lefen fie aufmerffam viS l)eute, obwol)l
roir nicf)t iebem 6ate unb jeber ~usfitl)rung beiftimmen fonnen. Wit f)aben aud)
ofters einaelne Diefer leettacf)tungen aum ~bbruCf gebtacf)t unb empfel)len bas
leucf), bas Die feftlicf)e ©1ilfte bes Stitcf)eniaf)ts bef)anbelt, But ~ntegung, 3um \)lacf).
benten, 3Ut 0:tbauung. :Sebe leettacf)tung, bie fief) immet an ein 6cf)tiftwort an·
fcf)lieut, umfaflt etwa anbettf)alb 6eiten. 'lin ffiegifter nennt bie 6d)riftfteUen,
Me 3ugtunbe Hegen. 2. ir it r b r i n g e r.
Statistical Year-Book of the Ev. Luth. ·Synod of Missouri, Ohio,
and Other States for the Year 1932. Concordia Publishing
House, St. Louis, Mo. 1933. 179 pages, 5%X8%. Price, $1.00.
This book, which is so carefully compiled and edited by Synod's
statistician, the Rev. E. Eckhardt, does not consist of barren arrays of
statistics, of which it has been said that they are thoroughly uninspiring;
on the contrary, every page of the book speaks to the reader of the grace
of God in guiding the work of our Church during the year 193Z. The
customa.ry parochial reports occupy the major portion of the book; but
there is additional information of the most useful kind, which may well
he utilized by pastors in presenting the needs of the Kingdom to their
congreg'ations and the various organizations in the congregations. Thus
the missions of Synod are presented in a brief, but. comprehensive form;
t he educational institutions are given somewhat more space than usually,
because the compiler includes also a sUlllmary of the conrses of study and
other interesting items. The activities of the Eoard of Support, of the
vValther League, of the Deaconess Association, of the Lutheran h'tymen's
640 Book Review. - ~itetntut.
League, and of the "\Iarious charitable institutions a.re sketched. It is
a book which should not merely be received and filed, but consulted and
used constantly. It would help the work of our Synod immensely if this
were done. P. E. KRETZMANN.
Cftttgcgaugcne ~iidjer.
Ooncordia. PttbUshing House, St. Louis, Mo.:-
No.lO!. Wake, Awake! By M. N. Lundquist. Tlu:ee-part. Two
pages. Price, 15 cts. - No. 102. Psalm 100. By Edw. Oarstenn. Two-
part. Four pages. Price, 20 cts. - No. 103. Lift Thine Eyes to the
Mountains. By Edw. Oarstenn. Two-part. Four pages. Price, 20 cts_
(All of the Trebalto Oollection. Two-part and three-part choir numbers,
mostly for use in church service.)
No. 32 of Ooncordia. Oollection of Sacred Ohoruses and Anthems for
llore Ambitious OhoraZ Organizations: 0 That Men Would Praise the
Lord! By F. L. Oalver. Mixed chorus, soprano, quartet. Ten pages. Price,
35 ets.
OuelldSerIng, Stuttgart:
S)er Sueiter QJotte~. ~in ~ut1)erbucf) bon ® u ft a b S cf) r ii e t. 175
SeUen 5%X7%, in ~etnmanb mit \Rlicfen~ unb ilecfeItitel gebunben. q!teill:
geitfdjrift fiir iuftemllufdje ;tljeologie. ~etQu!lgegelien bon .R a t I
S tan g e, q! nul ~! t 1) a u!l u. n. ~ertefBmann, tMliterBlo1). 10. ~(1)tgang,
4. miettelj(1)d1)eft. 180 SeUen.
~etmann: "ila!l fIDiffen unb feint fIDdt in bet ,{3eitHd)ltit beg Seing"; ~rnft:
"ilie t1)eologifd)en ~egtiffe in bet mobernen ~!:iftenaj)1)iIofoj)9iell; Stange: /lilag
q!tolilem bet bogmatifd)en ~utotUnt im ~ug!lliurget ~etennttii!lll; fIDinllet: Hilie
tMnabe im !neuen XeftQment"; StQnge: ,,~utger unb bas .RonaU au q!ifa bon 1511."
1Jleue Sfirdjlidje geitfdjrift, 1)etausgegeben bon ~. ~ e t g bolt, X 9. b. ,8 n9 n,
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