Full Text for Ritschl's Theology (Text)
g Lhe Christian communiL'l the starting point
of theology Ritschl eliminated. metaphyskal speculation from" -
ology. But in his opposition to metaphysics he poured the d
out with the bath, for he discarded all those doctrines which ill
his opinion were metaphysical abstractions and had no religio-
ethical value, such as the doctrines of the Trinity, the pre-existence
of Christ, the personal union, eschatology, It has been said fur-
thermore that he divorced theology from theoretic cognition, In
reality, however, his value-judgment theory compelled him to
ba,se. theology on the subjective experience of the Christian com-
munity. Finally, it has been said that Ritschlianism with its em-
phasis on Christian perfection has conserved true evangelical piety.
But Ritschlianisl11. fails to supply either an absolute standard or a
dynamic for Christian perfection in the Kingdom of God. While
Ritschl was possessed of keen philosophical and systematic powers,
he ',leas unable to divorce theology from philosophy; in fact, he
44) Op. cit., p. 633 f.
45) Stephan says: "Mer the collapse of idealistic thinking in con-
trast to the influence of natural sciences and realism, theology was in
confo.sion, even as German culture was forced to re-orient itself edti-
cally - historically. Ritschl's theologizing and systematic thinking was
not based on experience or speculation, but was grounded in history.
He and his followers viewed their theology as a purgative bath in which
evangelical theology would cleanse itself from pagan-mystic catholicism,
and from pietistic, romanticistic, individualistic, rationalistic, and God-
conscious approaches, and thus would be able to attack the problems of
Christianity." Op. cit., p.195.
A Guide 157
moves in Kantian thought patterns. His theological system is cold
rationalism and moralism.46l
Ritschl's influence was perpetuated in Germany through his
disciples Herrmann, Harnack, and Kaftan. Through these men
Ritschlianism came to America.47) The fatherhood of God, the
empirical method, pragmatism, the social gospel of American Mod-
ernism, are in a large measure the result of Ritschl's theology.
A Guide
For the Spiritual Care of the Unduly Grieved, of the Melancholy,
and of the Mentally AfHicted
Rubric: The pastor should determine by a fra:r,-~ and sincere taL~
with the patient and his loved ones the cause of the deep grief. Since
there are various reasons for such cases, we hereby present several
formularies which may be followed.
1. Spiritual Care of One Who is Unduly Grieved over the Loss
of a Loved One
Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
I find you at the present time deeply grieved; your spirit is
very depressed, dejected. You may feel as if the Lord had hidden
His face from you and had forsaken you. It is not surprising, for
you have suffered a great loss. In His unsearchable wisdom the
Lord has deprived you of a great treasure, has taken from your
heart and bosom a dearly beloved child (devoted wife, faithful
husband, mother, father, brother, sister, etc.). This loss has deeply
affected your heart, so that you cry out with Job: "Have pity upon
me, have pity upon me, 0 ye my friends ; for the hand of God
hath touched me" (Job 19: 21) . Such sorrow and grief is natural,
and we have many examples in the Scriptures showing how the
faithful childr en of God mourned the loss of their loved ones.
46) As to Ritschl's own personal attitude toward the Savior we
are not in a position to pass judgment. His son reports that Ritschl had
asked him to comfort h im in the hour of death by praying with him
Paul Gerhardt's "0 Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden." Leben, II, p. 524.
It is not established historically whether Ritschl's wish was fulfilled.
47) Foster, Modern Movement in Ame1'ican Theology (1939) , Ch. VII.
The reader who is interested in tracing the influence of Ritschlianism in
American liberalism will find the additional historical treatises helpful:
Coffin, S. H., R eligion Yesterday and Today; Conger, C. P., T he Ideologies
of Religion, Chaps. VIII-XV; Hopkins, C. H., The Rise of the Social Gospel
in American Protestantism; Knudson, A . C., Present Tendencies in Religious
Thought; Macintosh, H. R., Tv-pes of Modern T heology; Smith, G . B.,
Religion in the Last Quarter Century; Wieman and Meland, A.merican
Philosophies of Religion.