Ignorance About Preaching N A RECENT ARTICLE (Jg~zora~it Preachers) which appeared 1 in the January 2, 1970 issue of Christianity Today, the author attempted to demonstrate that the reason for non-Biblical preaching in American tdar is simply due to the demise of the Biblical lan- guages, substituted by an intense study of man in his world and secondarv translations and exegetical studies (commentaries) . The author's attempt to revitalize a concern for the knowledge of Biblical languages is noble, but it leaves much to be desired. - - oe of the The assumption that an understsndinp or knowled, Biblical langi~ages provides the preacher 1~1th the wherewithal to be a Biblical preacher is entirely ignominious. The world is full of preachers who have de~,oted the best of their ability and energy to the stiidv of Biblical languages, but many of them sin~ply could never bc inclidcd in the category of "Biblical Preachers." The fact that this is true does not find' its basis in thc superstition that their theological training n-as ineffective or simpl!. too traditional. If this criticism rrrere valid, theological educators, even though thev appear to be a clay late and a dollar sl~ort, woulcl have reluctantly modified their curriculum before the climate of student demands was the order of the tla!. The problem finds its center totall!, removed from the eclucational institutions that prepared them for the task of prcacl~ers. It is tleepll concealed in the individuals ~ve call "our preacher." If preachers were prophets and apostles, they wouldn't have to stud!. Biblical languages. Thev could use their language to write a Bible! AS prcilchers, \ire probably bemoan our inefficiency to use the Ri blical languages eft'ccti\~ely, espcciallv those moments \\hen we arc linirhlc to sufficientl\ interpret or anal\.zr a difficult tcst. But t11c luo~nent \\-c rc.l\. totilly on our languaie ability for an effective interpretation of the ~ible, \\;e find ourselves as uncomfortable as the se\.c.n fo1)tc.r in i1 \I\\'. lust because it is a theological tool it ~locsn't alr~a!s crack the nut: Luther's reformation pa\:ed the way for pcrs)~xl'l studv of the Bible hv the non-theological student, but he did not i11clu;lr ;I study of ~iblical languages as a prerequisite for such a st~~cl!.. Todri~. wc. still maintain that Biblical illiteracy is partiiilly thr cause of irreligiositu in America. Perhaps the under- l!ing cause is obvious, but one ~vhhkh me refuse to admit. It appears that prcachtn. ;IS \\.ell as the hearers, refuse to comnlit themselves to ~vhnt is gcnc.rall! kno\vn as an antiqnated holv tradition or holy hook. the Bible. In our c~~l~ure, tllc preacher who devotes the majority of his norliing \\cc.k to a stud! of thc Bible ~i~ould never be in demand. Not onli rn~ultl hr fcel horribly useless and depressed hut even the Ignorance About Preaching 141 people he spoke to \\~oultl consider him an insincere fool. The de- mands on involvement in Our age excuse no one, not simply because it is the tenor of our culture but because there is so much with which to be invol\~ed. But invol\.ement ivithout a commitment or an ideolog~ is the came as a struggle without a strategy. Everv lasting or signifi- cant "ism" to which man adheres demands his perional conlmitment. If preachers are the prophets and apostles of God today, then ob- viously their commitment must be the same as their predecessors, the acceptance of God's self-disclosure through His Word. Their al- legiance must be denlonstrated b!. their proclamation of God's salvatory comnlitnlent to man, that their activism is their responsi- bility as servants, and that the Biblical message is their only relevant point of departure. \\7ithout this commitment, the prcacher is the same as a Fuller Brush salesnlan with a bag full of cosmetics. To be a Biblical preacher demands much illore than a knonlledgc and application of the Biblical languages-they aren't even cor- relatives! The knowledge and faithful application of the Biblical languages to the preaching process can serve only as another tool for interpretation. Either it is emploved to unlock the insight which one's own language fails to convcv or as a restrictive nlcasure which forces the preacher to think in-terms of the originally convevcd message. B~it it can never be said that Biblical languages make a Biblical preacher. Anyone \\rho has \vritten more than one sermon immediatclv will be a~\-are of this obvious observation. The greatest Biblical pr;achcrs have never bccn ecclain~ed great because the!. faithfully applied their knowledge of the Biblical languap. Thcrc greatness was evidenced alwa~s b\ commitment and coi~viction that the Bible is relevant for mocie;n ~l